Saturday, October 6, 2012

Be prepared

If you guys couldn't already gather by the photo posted I am a Disney fanatic. I love all things Disney especially the villains with my favorite being Ursula from the Little Mermaid---she's such a great baddy. With that being said I wanted to talk about something serious---the end of times. I don't know it just seems like so much is going on in the world. There's all these natural disasters, wars, the economy is going to shitzu, people getting killed for next to nothing, it's just all these things and I'm just like I have to get right with God because I don't know what's will happen next. My relationship with God has changed over the years. In my younger years I had such a love for him it was unreal. I think now that I have other responsibilities more often than not I put him on the " back burner " , and have everything else---work, friends, etc. take precedence over me having a relationship with my father. That's not right. Now I'm trying to focus and have more than one way that I'm building with him. Instead of just reading the bible, I've downloaded audio to my ipod to listen to on the train. I'm watching christian movies, and I try to start my day with him everyday. One thing that I'm proud of myself doing is just talking to him like I would a friend. I'm not formal or " get ready " to talk to him. For example I don't get dressed up or have a prayer mat, I talk to him whenever even if I'm on the toilet---it's like me talking to my real dad no filter lol. If you're unsure of what to do take a chance and pray he'll answer.

If you don't know God and want to have an idea of what's going to happen in the coming future 

Raptured by Ernest Angley

It's a short book but saved or not everyone should read this for themselves.

        Then there's the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye that is more in your face. 

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