Thursday, November 1, 2012

Books to Movies

As you probably know there will be a lot of books to movies coming out---Part two of Breaking Dawn of the Twilight Series and Catching Fire from the Hunger Games Trilogy. Well another book to movie adaption is on the horizon and that is the erotica bestseller Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. The writing of the series could have been better, but I do look forward to the movie coming out. I wonder how the screenwriters are going to go from book to film without it turning into a cheesy porn flick. There's already speculation as to the roles of the cast with an early fan favorite Ian Somerhandler, from Vampire Diaries, to play Christian Grey. Personally I would like to see Alex Pettyfer as the lead, but whoever they choose it's definitely going to cause a stir.


Either way it's a win win situation

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