Monday, December 17, 2012

Online vs offline

Has anyone ever watched this show catfish on MTV?

It's kind of weird in that you have people on this show develop relationships with these other people that they do not know for long periods of time, without seeing their photos or webcaming each other face to face. It's crazy because the first episode showed how this nursing student was talking to this would be model guy for over 6 months--come to find out she was really talking to a girl : / what is up with that. I've met people offline and for the most part have had okay to good experiences. I count myself lucky. I've talked to individuals online and on the phone to kind of feel them out. Afterwards if I feel that they check out then we would arrange to meet in a very public place to be on the safe side, just in case said person is psycho. I think partly because these people waited so long to meet up---some person waited 10 years on the tv show, will have some effect on what will happen in the future. If people are honest with themselves it will be a lot easier.

Music Artist to keep an eye on...

Hottie of the Week

Just finished watching Magic Mike *fans self* and Alex Pettyfer is once again on my blog

CVS Sale

Run Don't Walk Like Our Friend Sonic Here

If you didn't know CVS have started their annual end of the year clearance sale and you can read all about it  at nouveaucheap blogspot who has already compiled a Master's List :)

Doc McStuffins

I'm so late about it but I just heard about this show called " Doc McStuffins " on the Disney Junior Channel. It's about a girl named Dottie nicknamed " Doc " who can talk to toys with her magical stethoscope and helps fixes toys in need with her magical instruments. Her mom also happens to be a pediatrician that gives her sound advice when she can't quite figure out a problem. She also lives with her lovely dad whose a gardener, and has a little baby brother named Jaden. I love the show because it uses medical terminology without being overbearing and teaches little kids important lessons about common issues or would be fears. It also has a lot of music that will definitely keep little ones entertained. Lastly she is cute as a button, and it's rewarding to see Disney showcase someone like her as a positive role model which kids need in the world. I love this show so much I just had to purchase the talking doll with character. In addition I am in the process of making a costume for my darling niece to wear while she watches the dvd I bought her ha.


Ughz so I've been totally lazy not writing in this blog because I've been unmotivated. I'm going to try to not disappear for weeks at a time.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

My list

If you didn't know free shipping and 20% off for black friday check out oyin handmade

Monday, November 19, 2012

Black Friday 

Apparently Walmart employees all over the country are striking for better pay and working conditions during black friday. Before I use to look forward to saving up money and buying during this time, but over the years it has definitely changed. People have gone nuts and will do anything to be first in line no matter how dishonest and downright dirty. Back then a person could really score some great deals on their christmas list, but now the stores advertise a hot ticket item, but carry less than 20 in the store for all those people---it's not worth making the trip if you don't save. Worse of all about black friday is that the stores are so greedy to make money that they start their sales on Thanksgiving. It's like people can't even sit down with their families and enjoy turkey dinner without having to go out right after to sit in line to shop for black friday. I just can't deal with the stupidness that is black friday. If I do any shopping it will be online and in the comfort of my home after stuffing myself with some good home-cooked food. I just want to be plump and happy.

If you plan on shopping for black friday there are plenty of sites but I like to use

For those interested in discount beauty products has a great list going on :)

I don't really need anything but if I were to get some stuff it would be:

Sigma or Mac brushes
Fuzzy claw slippers
Lancome Mascara Set
Wet n Wild lipsticks
Covergirl Bronzer
Ben Nye banana powder
Pink Panther clothing

I'm having a hard time finding the slippers lol but I will have them in my grasp soon 

Introducing the H Train

The New, Free H-Train Shuttle Is Now Up and Running in the Rockaways

Among the indignities visited on the Rockaways by Hurricane Sandy was the destruction of its sole subway route, the A train. As The Observer first reported, this was not merely a case of flooding, but the very foundations of the Broad Channel crossing washing away, creating months, or longer, of reconstruction work for the MTA.
Still, the agency took the unusual step oftrucking a bunch of subway cars out to the Rockaways so it could at least run shuttle service along the peninsula, with a bus in Far Rockaway then ferrying riders to the A train in Howard Beach. The service will be up and running as of 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, and Governor Cuomo even announced that it would be free until regular subway service is restored. Free subway service—finally some good news for the Rockaways.
As for those wondering why it is called the H train, no, it is not a reference to hurricanes or heroin. That was the original name of the Rockaways shuttle, the run from Broad Channel that runs south to Beach 116th Street. Actually, it was the HH train, when the system merged in 1967, and then it became just the H train when the double letter trains were eliminated.
The H train name was retired in 2004, when the line became a branch of the A train. But as Second Avenue Sagas notes, sometimes, when the subway signs on the older models are mis-rolled, the old designation can still be visible.
As an added bonus/humblebrag, the MTA has posted a video of its workers hoisting the new shuttle trains into place.
Correction: A previous version of this post said that H train service had begun today. It will not be running until tomorrow morning. The Observer regrets the error.
To fly

Decided to take a much needed trip to get out of this funk I'm in

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cancelled NYC Marathon runners help with Hurricane Sandy victims

NYC Marathon runners find their own way to run -- and give back

By Alexandra Sifferlin,

( -- With slightly more than 36 hours to go before the 2012 ING New York City Marathon, Mayor Michael Bloomberg canceled the annual event, amid criticisms the runners would be siphoning off valuable resources needed in the city's recovery from Superstorm Sandy.
But the decision hardly discouraged a group of nearly 1,300 runners from boarding the Staten Island Ferry toward the starting line.
Far from anticipating a grueling 26.2-mile run, however, these would-be racers ran their own marathon, carrying garbage bags and backpacks full of donated supplies ranging from blankets to Home Depot gift cards that they delivered to the destroyed homes of Staten Island residents.
"I've run the marathon three times, and there was an odd familiarity getting on the Staten Island Ferry this morning with a group of runners for a completely different reason," says runner and New Yorker Jon Bennion. "It was fascinating, the anxiety and jitters were replaced by an overwhelming sense of community."
The group, organized over Facebook by Dr. Jordan Metzl, a sports-medicine physician at New York City's Hospital for Special Surgery, met early Sunday morning and divided into groups to run the supplies to the most severely damaged neighborhoods on the island. Metzl, who carried a backpack filled with batteries, says he had expected about 300 runners, but was surprised by the overwhelming number of volunteers who showed up.
"It is one of the most compelling things I've ever seen in my life," Metzl says. "Part of the myth of this whole thing was that runners were callous to the suffering and just wanted to run their marathon. Nothing could be further from the truth."
On a bright, sunny day with cool temperatures perfect for racing, the runners disembarked from the ferry with a kickoff cheer, but it didn't take long before the route transformed into a somber reminder of why city councilmen and New Yorkers suffering power outages and flood damage vehemently argued the marathon should not continue.
"All of a sudden, we turned a corner and everyone was cleaning out their basements. Sidewalks were gone, replaced by sinkholes," says Emily Snyder, an avid runner who discovered the New York Runners in Support of Staten Island group online. "People were cleaning out all their stuff by the handful. The gas lines are astronomically long. It's shocking."
Metzl and a group of runners completed a 15-mile route, distributing supplies along the way and then stopped to clear out the home of Alexandre Bersenev and his wife near Midland Beach.
"We walked into his house, and there was a disgusting, rotting smell from all their furniture and books. It looks like someone exploded a bomb inside the house," says Metzl. "We have a runner from England and a runner from Scotland who came to New York to run their first marathon and found out about this over Twitter. They've never even heard of Staten Island, and for them to come out here and spend the day cleaning this man's home is one of the most moving things I've ever seen in my life."
This year's race would have marked Metzl's 30th marathon, but he says the cancellation was unsurprising given the wreckage.
"It wasn't even a question to come here," he says. "This is the right thing to do. It's more gratifying than any run I have ever done."
Homeowner Alexandre Bersenev, who moved to Staten Island from Russia in 1992, says Staten Island residents were aware of the controversy surrounding the marathon, and he's thankful for the aid.
"It's awful, my home is an absolute disaster. The runners removed so much debris, and they did it smiling. I am really touched."
For those who didn't join the impromptu relief run, thousands who had planned to complete the marathon for their respective charities lapped Central Park for an equally spontaneous way to creatively complete the 26.2 miles they would have run through the city's five boroughs.
The finish line arch was still standing, and although gates and security guards prohibited runners from crossing under the signage, thousands veered around the blockades, leaning as close to the arch as the barriers would allow to take celebratory photos under the "Finish" sign.
"It would've been nice if they had opened the finish up for us," says New Zealand runner Neil Anderson, who raised $200,000 for Catwalk, a charity supporting spinal-cord-injury research with 28 other runners. "I think the organizers were in a very difficult situation; it's very understandable, but it's hard on such a nice day like this."
"Someone forgot to tell all these runners the marathon was canceled," says Toni Rooney as her daughter Jessica ran by on the first lap of her customized version of the marathon. Jessica's parents traveled from Orlando to watch Jessica run her first marathon.
"She trained all year and was hysterical it was canceled, but this is a really happy and special day," says Jessica's father, Tim Rooney. "Bloomberg should be here."
Thor Gudjonsson, who finished four 6-mile laps around the park followed by an additional 2.2-mile loop with five other teammates from Iceland, says they wished the race was canceled earlier, before they made the trip.
"However, we completely understand why it was canceled," says Gudjonsson. "We didn't realize how severe the damage was until we got here."
There won't be any official winner of the 2012 New York City Marathon, and no official times recorded for the thousands who trained for the event as a personal challenge. But thousands of runners proved you don't need official timekeepers to make a marathon worth running.
This story was originally published on
© 2012 TIME, Inc. TIME is a registered trademark of Time Inc. Used with permission.

kids and men on sale at hautelook
Sales going on today


Saturday, November 3, 2012

If only .....

Hautelook always has some great deals especially when it comes to shoes :)
Sweepstakes Time 

Winterize Your Look

Naturally Curly is giving away a prize each day! Head over to the website to enter!

Friday, November 2, 2012

This is why I love NY

On the train I had the pleasure of hearing this group called Train Robbers NYC (two guys and a girl) but I was so into listening to them that I didn't bother to record. Hopefully I'll see them again...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wish list

Some of the things will be totally unrealistic but others are attainable. I don't care it's my wish list lol

1. Learn to speak a language other than English.

I've been trying to motivate myself to learn Spanish since it's one of the leading languages in the States, and there's a lot of people that speak it at my job. Another language that I would like to learn would be Korean because I watch a lot of korean dramas. If I knew the language I could just translate what's being said instead of having to wait for the subs to come out.

2. Lose weight and build muscle in my lower body

Seriously I hate going to the gym, and I feel like everytime I go food shopping I'm plagued with all these delicious and unhealthy seasonal items. It's really a battle that I'm losing. I'm top heavy so I hate doing cardio, but it's just something I have to get over if I want to lose my baby fat. It's a pain in the arse.

3. Travel to another country and learn about another culture

I haven't gone anyway for atleast two years it's time to put new stamps in my passport

4. Jessica Simpson Brook shoes in Dark Khaki

Okay I happen to already have a pair of these in sexy ruby red, but I love this tan nude brown color

5. Big sexy hair

I just cut my hair because it was damaged by all these chemicals and not so good products. Now I'm in the process of growing it back and treating it the way it should be treated. No more dyes or anything bad.

6. Job that pays well and gives great vacation time or time off

I'm pretty darn lucky to even have a job in these trying times. Unfortunately as you guys probably know, Hurricane Sandy has put a little dent in that I don't know when I'll be able to go back as of yet. I love my job but would like the freedom to travel. Maybe I'll come across something better in the mean time waiting.

7. Knowledge, speech improvement, and learn a skill with hands such as sewing or braiding

Pretty self explanatory

8. Pomeranian

I love this breed and the poofiness of the fur is so cute. I don't have any kids so I get lonely. I need a dog.

9. Gangnam Style Apartment

I want to feel like a pimp ha but I do love the area I live. It's safe, there's tons of restaurants, and shopping.

10. Cute/sexy boyfriend who gets me and we are on the same page

I have a thing for guys that wear glasses--loves dorks and nerds but not too nerdy. I like a little coolness or swag. Yeah I've date some nice guys and not so nice. Last guy I talked to was really cute but kind of immature and was depressed all the time. I just want to date a guy and not have drama. Maybe it's because I just read the fifty shade trilogy, but I wouldn't mind if the guy was a little kinky. I'll take a great average guy over someone that's hot, but dumb as a box of rocks. Been there done that you can only tolerate so much.

Books to Movies

As you probably know there will be a lot of books to movies coming out---Part two of Breaking Dawn of the Twilight Series and Catching Fire from the Hunger Games Trilogy. Well another book to movie adaption is on the horizon and that is the erotica bestseller Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. The writing of the series could have been better, but I do look forward to the movie coming out. I wonder how the screenwriters are going to go from book to film without it turning into a cheesy porn flick. There's already speculation as to the roles of the cast with an early fan favorite Ian Somerhandler, from Vampire Diaries, to play Christian Grey. Personally I would like to see Alex Pettyfer as the lead, but whoever they choose it's definitely going to cause a stir.


Either way it's a win win situation

Giveaway Time 

Hello Kiley is giving away the infamous Urban Decay Naked Palette to a lucky follower of her blog. Hurry it ends today!
Hurricane Sandy Aftermath

It was horrendous at work it got flooded so everyone got sent home until they finish accessing the damage. So now I'm enjoying some time off, but hopefully not too much time I have bills to pay :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane Sandy


NEW YORK | Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:31pm EDT
(Reuters) - Tens of millions of East Coast residents scrambled on Sunday to prepare for Hurricane Sandy, which could make landfall as the largest storm to hit the United States, bringing battering winds, flooding and even heavy snow.
The massive storm, which has already killed 66 people in the Caribbean, was headed toward a densely populated region that includes Washington, New York and Boston and its effects could be felt for hundreds of miles, officials warned.
It could be the largest storm to hit the United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
New York and other big cities closed their transit systems and schools and ordered residents of low-lying areas to evacuate before a storm surge that could reach as 11 feet.
They warned that power outages could last for days.
"We're expecting the worst, hoping for the best. We're getting everything off the basement floor. We've got two sump pumps but during Hurricane Floyd, we were down there for 17 hours straight sweeping water into the sump pumps," said Maria Ogorek, a Maplewood, New Jersey, lawyer and mother of three.
The U.S. government said it had granted administrative leave to non-emergency federal workers in the Washington D.C area.
The New York Stock Exchange said it would close its trading floor on Monday for the first time since Hurricane Gloria in 1985. All stocks listed on the exchange will trade electronically, NYSE Euronext said.
President Barack Obama asked residents to heed the orders of state and local authorities to protect themselves from Sandy.
"This is a serious and big storm," Obama said after a briefing at the federal government's storm response center in Washington. "We don't yet know where it's going to hit, where we're going to see the biggest impacts.
Officials ordered many school closures, New Jersey casinos and Broadway theaters prepared to close, airlines got ready to halt flight activity in the New York area, and residents cleared store shelves of vital supplies and food.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered the evacuation of low-lying areas of New York City, from upscale parts of lower Manhattan to waterfront housing projects in the outer boroughs, that are home to some 375,000 people.
"If you refuse to evacuate you're not only putting yourself at risk but also the first responders who will have put themselves at risk in an emergency," Bloomberg told a news conference.
In Bridgeport, Connecticut, Fire Department Captain Frank Rivera was ordering residents of 300 waterfront homes to evacuate.
"A lot of them are on their way out but some of them are thinking about (Hurricane) Irene and how they didn't get damage and I tell them it's two different animals," Rivera said, referring to the August 2011 hurricane that brought severe flooding to parts of New Jersey and Vermont.
Officials warned that flooding could be particularly severe since the storm's arrival coincides with a full moon, which normally means higher-than-usual high tides.
"The most worrisome aspect of Sandy is the high tides," said Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee. "With the full moon occurring Monday, with Sandy coming up the Bay, we're very concerned about flooding in our low-lying coastal areas."
New York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia transit authorities said they would begin shutting down service on Sunday afternoon. Maryland's transit system, serving some suburbs of Washington, said it would not open on Monday.
Amtrak, the passenger rail service, canceled nearly all service on the Eastern seaboard on Monday and would halt its service north of New York along the Northeast corridor.
Transit systems in Washington and Boston said they planned to operate as usual on Monday as long as it was safe to do so.
Airlines flying into and out of New York's three major airports were all expected to cease flight activity on Sunday night, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Forecasters said Sandy was a rare, hybrid "super storm" created by an Arctic jet stream wrapping itself around a tropical storm, possibly causing up to 12 inches of rain in some areas, as well as up to 3 feet of snowfall in the Appalachian Mountains from West Virginia to Kentucky.
Nasdaq planned to open on Monday despite the transit shutdown and evacuation orders, with big banks putting up key personnel in hotels overnight so that they would be able to make it in to work on Monday morning.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange said it would suspend floor trading on the NYMEX oil market on Monday, as it is located in the New York City evacuation zone near the Hudson River. It said electronic trading would go on as usual.
Worried residents in the hurricane's path packed stores, searching for generators, flashlights, batteries, food and other supplies in anticipation of power outages. Broadway's theaters planned to close on Sunday night and remain closed on Monday.
New York City, Boston and Washington were among the jurisdictions that announced schools would be shut on Monday.
Sandy blew the presidential race off course, forcing Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney to cancel scheduled campaign stops. It fueled fears that the storm could disrupt early voting before the November 6 election.
Nearly 284,000 residential properties valued at $88 billion are at risk for damage from storm-surge flooding, risk analysts CoreLogic said.
As of 2:00 p.m. EDT/1800 GMT on Sunday, there were fewer than 5,000 customers without power in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, the U.S. Department of Energy said in a statement.
While Sandy's 75 mph winds were not overwhelming for a hurricane, its exceptional size means the winds will last as long as two days, bringing down trees, roofs and buildings and piling up rainfall and storm surge.
Hurricane-force winds extended 175 miles from the center of the asymmetrical storm, while its lesser tropical storm-force winds spanned 520 miles in diameter.
Sandy was centered about 530 miles south of New York City, at late afternoon on Sunday, the National Hurricane Center said. It pushed seawater up over the barrier islands off North Carolina known as the Outer Banks.
Sandy was moving northeast over the Atlantic, parallel to the U.S. coast, at 15 mph.
Sandy killed at least 66 people as it made its way through the Caribbean islands, including 51 in Haiti, mostly from flash flooding and mudslides, according to authorities.
Even with all the warnings, some people tried to carry on with their plans.
"I just don't buy into the hype," said Kate Sullivan, a 40-year old computer specialist from Alexandria, Virginia, who was headed to Baltimore Washington International airport for a planned flight to Los Angeles. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up in LA by the end of the night."
(Additional reporting by Edith Honan, Caroline Humer, Paul Thomasch, John McCrank and Janet McGurty in New York, Gene Cherry in North Carolina, Dave Warner in Philadelphia, Mary Ellen Clark and Ebong Udoma in Connecticut, Will Dunham, David Morgan and Matt Spetalnick in Washington. Writing by Scott Malone; Editing by Will Dunham and Christopher Wilson)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eyecandy of the week

Adam Rodriguez (CSI Miami)I would learn Spanish just for you ha and  reminds me of...

Prince Naveen from the Princess and The Frog

What I'm watching...

The Innocent Man
Flu Season

Sorry haven't been able to post because I was feeling really sick and at my worse so will try to catch up.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Smack Down

Obama schools Romney: Foreign policy isn’t a game of ‘Battleship’

After outright saying Mitt Romney cribbed his policy from the 1980s, President Obama also issued a sharp response to Romney’s complaints about military spending under his administration—an attack that became an instant internet favorite.
“I think Governor Romney hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works. You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we had in 1916,” Obama said. “Well, Governor we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military has changed.”
Obama went on to describe the capabilities of the modern military’s aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, which prompted foreign policy correspondent Laura Rozen to tweet, “Obama letting himself sound a bit derisive of Romney’s lack of direct knowledge of how military works.”
And of course, the debate isn’t yet over, but the site has already been created.
Others on Twitter responded that the strategy was working for him, and unsurprisingly, the@horses_bayonets account already exists. In the space of a few minutes, the Twitter following went from a handful to over 500. And check out this effort from MSNBC’s Facebook quote-generator app:

H& M Fashion Family Collection

When I have a family I want us all to look as stylish as this :D


Hunter Sale on Hautelook

Scored these little beauties for only $79 who could beat that price